How Often Should I get a Massage? Getting a massage can be a way to treat yourself, de-stress, or address a medical issue.

How often you should get a massage depends on several factors. Including your physical and emotional needs; your stress levels; and your budget. You will definitely experience the most health benefits from massage when you get massage regularly. Massage calms the nervous system, improves blood circulation and lymphatic circulation, relieves muscle pain, and helps with pain management in conditions such as arthritis, sciatica, muscle spasms.

If you get a massage once a year, it will be relaxing, but it can’t undo a lifetime of muscle tension. Typically, once every week or two is ideal for keeping your muscle tissue pliable and in good shape. If you are in chronic pain or have a special issue to address, you might need to come weekly (or even twice a week) until you feel better.

Once you’re feeling good, once a month is the recommended minimum for maintaining the health of your tissue. If you start stretching the massages out too far apart, then your muscles can revert to their old patterns, especially if you come under stress. If you wait too long, you’ll have to start all over again to restore their suppleness and pliancy. Listen to your body, but don’t wait too long in an effort to save money.

How Much Massage Can You Afford?

Massage could be part of your routine for a relatively low amount, if you look in the right places. 137 Hàm Nghi Foot Massage. A familiar massage spot. Was built on the idea of affordable, no-frills, monthly massage. You can try it out for an introductory price ($15 – $55), and then sign up for a monthly massage ranging from $15 to $85 a month, depending on the market. It’s a Traditional massage, and he pricing is determined by the local owner. You also should factor in a 15 to 20% tip. This could be a good option if you have a location near you.

You can also look for an independent practitioner in your area, with his or her own studio. They get to keep they whole amount, so they charge less than a full-service day spa or resort spa. Somewhere between $20 – $90 is normal for private practitioners, and you aren’t expected to tip.

Still too high? In cities like New York and Los Angeles, there are $13 Asian massage places where you might all be in one room, with curtains between you. These are typically low on atmosphere and amenities, but you can get a good massage.

If your budget allows for a full spa experience with robes, steam and sauna (and more), you can find plenty of day spas, resort spas and luxury hotel spas willing to serve you, with the price getting progressively more expensive. Once you start getting into two-hour “rituals” and “ceremonies,” you’re looking at $300+ treatments at the most expensive spas. This is not necessary for the benefit, but for an occasion when you want to splurge on an “experience”.

How Much Massage Do You Need?

How Often Should I get a Massage?

If you already feel good and regular massage keeps you that way, you probably know what works for you. In times of extra stress, you might want to go a little more frequently. If you suddenly experience a spasm due to stress, try to get in to see the massage therapist as soon as possible, preferably someone who knows your body.

If you are in chronic pain and want to see if massage will help, find a good massage therapist whom you feel comfortable with and whose style you like. Let them know you want to address chronic pain, ask if that is their specialty, and work out a treatment plan. Rolfing, neuromuscular training, deep tissue massage and even gentler modalities like craniosacraltherapy can help with pain relief.

Massage Basics: Full Body Massage Vs Targeted Massage

Retraining Your Body
A lot of pain comes from the habitual ways we move, so ask for help with your posture. A good massage therapist should be able to help you with this, and give you stretches to do at home.

You might also want to look into other modalities such as acupuncture, chiropractic and Traditional Chinese Medicine, and movement training such the Feldenkraise method and Alexander Technique. Often finding the right combination — and the right practitioners — will help restore you to health.
You can seek out a massage therapist for a variety of different massages. You can also self-massage or ask someone to perform massage techniques at home.

There are no standard guidelines for the number of massages you can get, but a massage therapist or your doctor may be able to recommend a frequency and duration that work best for your needs.

Massages for injury are typically more frequent, while massages for pampering or relaxation purposes can occur less often.

What’s ideal?

Massage frequency and duration will depend on the type of massage you want and the area you want to target. Many research studies recommend a certain massage frequency and duration to address underlying health problems like pain or injury.

Talk to a massage therapist to find out how often you should visit to address your needs.

If regular massages aren’t in your budget, consider stretching out the time between each session. You may also be able to learn massage techniques to perform at home on a more regular basis from a doctor, massage therapist, or another medical professional.

Types of massage

Lymphatic drainage massage
This type of massage is useful for draining lymph nodes that have been affected by a recent surgery or medical condition. It’ll prompt the flow of fluid in your lymph nodes and release fluid build-up.

You may need this massage daily at the beginning, but over time, you can try two or three times a week.

Lymphatic drainage massage should always be performed by a professional. They can also train you to perform certain massage techniques by yourself.

Deep tissue massage

A deep tissue massage uses slow, forceful strokes to reach deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue. This type of massage targets muscle damage from injuries.

You may seek deep tissue massages daily, a few times a week, or a few times a month for pain. Your massage therapist can recommend a frequency and duration to address the underlying health condition prompting this type of massage.

Scalp massage

A scalp massage can be very relaxing, and it may even lower your blood pressure and heart rate.

One study in Korea showed that women working in an office experienced these health benefits from 15- to 25-minute scalp massages twice a week for 10 weeks.

You may find a regular scalp massage helps you feel calm and improves your overall outlook.

Full-body massage

A full-body massage is often called a Swedish massage. This type of massage promotes relaxation. You may seek this type of massage only occasionally, every few weeks, or monthly to help you feel more centered and less stressed.

Massage chair

You may find a massage chair provides relief from aching muscles or helps you relax.

A pilot study found that healthy adults experienced positive benefits from sitting in a massage chair for 20 minutes at a time.

You may be able to experience this type of massage at home by purchasing a massage chair, or you may find a place outside of your home where you can use one occasionally or regularly.

For conditions! How Often Should I get a Massage?

Massage may help relieve specific painful symptoms or reduce stress and anxiety. It may also be helpful during pregnancy. You may need more frequent massages for pain relief, or you may find that less frequent but regularly scheduled massages for your emotional well-being are useful.

Back pain

A regular massage may ease your back pain. One studyTrusted Source showed that deep tissue massage performed daily for 30 minutes for 10 days reduced pain in patients.

The American College of PhysiciansTrusted Source now lists massage as a treatment for low back pain that lasts up to 12 weeks.

Neck pain

Massage is a way to relieve neck pain in the short term, and getting frequent massages may be most beneficial.

One studyTrusted Source found that getting a 60-minute massage two or three times a week showed more benefit for those with neck pain than getting a 60-minute massage once a week or a few 30-minute massages weekly.

Anxiety and stress

You may find that a massage once or twice a month helps calm anxiety and stress.

According to the American Massage Therapy Association, 66 percent of those who sought massages in 2018 did so to relax and manage stress.

Consider a 60-minute massage tailored for relaxation. According to the Mayo Clinic, this could lower your cortisol levels by 30 percent and raise your serotonin levels by 28 percent. This will relax you and improve your mental well-being.


A 2010 studyTrusted Source found that regular, light massage performed by someone at home or a massage therapist may contribute to a healthy mental state and reduced leg and back pain.

A weekly 20-minute massage by a professional, or two 20-minute massages by someone at home, may be sufficient to reduce anxiety and stress as well as physical symptoms of pregnancy.

The study also found that 15-minute massages during every hour of labor may also shorten the overall time spent in labor and reduce the amount of medication you need.


Massages can lead to many benefits, including:

stress reduction
pain reduction
lower blood pressure
release of muscle tension
Massages may not always be the safest activity if you have certain health conditions. You should use caution if you have:

broken or fractured bones
a bleeding disorder
open wounds or burns
other serious medical conditions
If you’re pregnant, your doctor or a massage therapist may discourage massage during your first trimester or if you have high blood pressure, a high-risk pregnancy, or have recently had surgery. Find someone who specializes in prenatal massage to ensure that you receive a massage that’s healthy and safe for pregnancy.

There are a few risks that may arise if you get a massage. If you have a blood clot or have a history of blood clots, you should consult your doctor before having a massage. During a session, blood clots could break loose and travel through your blood vessels to your heart or lungs. This could lead to a heart attack or blocked artery.

You shouldn’t continue a massage or seek further massages if you experience pain.

When to see a doctor

Most massages are considered safe. Talk to your doctor before getting one if you have a serious medical condition. You may want to ask for massage therapist recommendations from your doctor so you can find someone who meets your needs.

Massage shouldn’t replace other medical interventions that are necessary to treat an underlying health condition. Don’t ignore pain, developing symptoms, or serious symptoms like chest pain, difficulty breathing, or loss of consciousness.

The bottom line How Often Should I get a Massage?

There are many reasons to seek regular, semi-regular, or infrequent massages. You may need to address a medical issue or want a way to relax and get away from everyday stress.

Determine the type of massage you’d like and discuss your needs with a massage therapist or a doctor if you need to treat an underlying health condition.

137 Hàm Nghi Foot Massage

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